Good Hangs Continue to Empty the Clip in 2024 With New Single 'Shoot Our Way Out'

One of my favorite things about Good Hangs is their ability to make everything the most of what it is. Their choruses don't just sound big, they sound massive. The problems they sing about aren't just inconveniences, they're the absolute worst misfortunes to ever happen to anyone. If their lyrics are to be believed, they don't exactly bring a 'moderation' vibe to the table when it comes to things like gambling and substance consumption. And why not? We're living in America, the land of absolute excess. There's no problem we can't overcome as a country. And if we can't overcome it, we'll blow enough holes in it to walk right through the front.
These are all themes touched on in Good Hangs' new single 'Shoot Our Way Out', yet another release by the band in what has been an extremely active month and a half for the band. Since their debut album Greatest Hangs released in late December, we've since been treated to two additional singles.
But this is America and if there's one thing America demands it's Good Hangs. And if it's two things America demands, it's Good Hangs and new music by Good Hangs at the drop of a hat. Like most American demands, this one is absurd. Yet somehow, the band continues to churn out hits to keep us fed and content.
Check out Good Hangs' new single 'Shoot Our Way Out' below and then go check out every other song they've ever put out.